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This page presents solutions to commonly observed problems while using the CrcDuino system.

Click on the situations below to learn about their solutions.

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Not finding what your looking for here? Your favorite search engine is the solution. If that doesn’t yield any significant answers, try reaching out to other CRC Robotics Competition participants through the Managr platform.discord!

titleMy controller has morphed into R2-D2 and makes weird sounds and the Neopixel lights up like a Christmas tree.

The controller is in Error Mode. Find out more on this dedicated page.

titleI cannot recognized my controller through Arduino IDE.

Carefully review the steps detailed on this page. Ask yourself:

  • Is the board connected on the computer?

  • Are the most up-to-date CH340g drivers installed?

  • Have I tried connecting using all available COM Ports?

  • Have I setup my IDE to communicate with a Arduino Mega 2560 type board, using the ATmega2560 processor ?
