Get the value of a Digital Channel (button) on a remote controller connected to the CrcDuino via a CrcConnect module.
When to use
Whenever you need to use the state of a remote controller button.
Where to use
Most probably in the void loop()
part of your .ino
file, since we’d usually want to actively monitor the value.
Click here to learn more on the CrcConnect system, that allows to control a CrcDuino using popular off-the-shelf remote controllers.
If not connection is established with a remote controller via a CrcConnect module, ReadDigitalChannel()
returns a value of LOW
. Depending on the application, it might be useful to validate the status of the connection using IsCommValid().
This function requires the use of the following CrcLib functions at some point of your .ino
file in order to work properly:
This function returns the value of the analog channel mentioned as the function’s argument as a bool
, if the button is not pressed, or if no connection is established between a remote controller and the CrcDuino (via a CrcConnect Module)HIGH
, if the button is pressed
Main prototype and parameters
static bool Crc::CrcLib::ReadDigitalChannel(BUTTON channel)
The following parameters must be passed to the function for it to work properly:
: The name of the button channel you want to read the value of. Must be of the typeBUTTON
This function does not have any overloads. It can only be used as described by the main prototype.
More on this function
There is sadly nothing more to be said about this function…
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ReadDigitalChannel() (Système CrcDuino System) —
Get the value of a Digital Channel (button) on a remote controller connected to the CrcDuino via a CrcConnect module.
When to use