Gives you the execution time of your code in microseconds.
When to use
Whenever you want to know the time that just took the void loop()
to be executed completely.
Where to use
In the void loop()
part of your .ino
Since knowing the code execution time is rarely relevant in a match setting, this function will be rarely used, if ever, in the final version of your code. It is mostly used for debugging purposes.
This function requires the use of the following functions at some point of your .ino
file in order to work properly:
Returns the elapsed time, in microseconds (4μs resolution), between the last two calls of the CrcLib::Update()
function as an unsigned int
Main prototype and parameters
static unsigned int CrcLib::GetDeltaTimeMicros()
The following parameters must be passed to the function for it to work properly:
No parameters needed.
This function does not have any overloads. It can only be used as described by the main prototype.
More on this function
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